With an expanding collection of products that include t-shirts, hats, and hoodies, Better Clothing Co. is offering simple, well-made garments with lots of thought put into how it is made and who is making it. For this evergreen content shoot, we developed a campaign called “Always Fresh” nodding to the garments timeless quality and the location of the shoot, Los Angeles’ Little Tokyo Marketplace. Products were mixed with produce, models shopped in the aisles and freezer section, and we had a corn dog from Smile Hot Dog.

Role: Art Director

To launch Better Clothing Co., the founder Ho Son recorded two speeches explaining what Better is all about and what customers should expect from the company. Armed with the raw interview files, we were tasked with storyboarding, editing, and finalizing the videos, including cutting the videos to be used for social media ads. In addition to creating these videos, we created a logo animation to be used at the end of videos.